Keyence BT_W80 Print with Sato Printer

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.IO
Imports Bt.CommLib
Imports Bt

Namespace POSCO
Public Class Printer
Public Shared bufferToPrint() As Byte
Public Shared currentLength As Int32
Public Shared devName As String
Public Shared devAddr As String

Public Const STX As [Byte] = &H2
Public Const ETX As [Byte] = &H3
Public Const DLE As [Byte] = &H10
Public Const SYN As [Byte] = &H16
Public Const ENQ As [Byte] = &H5
Public Const ACK As [Byte] = &H6
Public Const NAK As [Byte] = &H15
Public Const ESC As [Byte] = &H1B
Public Const LF As [Byte] = &HA
Public Const CR As [Byte] = &HD

' Printer Settings
' strInfoSet : name and bluetooth address of NEX-M230
' pin : pin (NEVER USED)
' pinlen : length of pin (NEVER USED)
'Dim stInfoSet As New LibDef.BT_BLUETOOTH_TARGET() _
' With { _
' .name = devName, _
' .addr = devAddr _
' }
Public Shared stInfoSet As New LibDef.BT_BLUETOOTH_TARGET()
Dim pin As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder("0000000000000000")
Dim pinlen As UInt32 = CType(pin.Length, UInt32)

' Constructor : Initialize printing buffer
' # bufferSize : size of buffer
' bBuf : buffer of all
' deviceName : device name
' deviceBDAddress : device bluetooth address
Public Sub New(ByVal bufferSize As Integer, ByVal deviceName As String, ByVal deviceBDAddress As String)
bufferToPrint = New [Byte](bufferSize) {}
currentLength = 0

'devName = deviceName
'devAddr = deviceBDAddress = deviceName.Trim
stInfoSet.addr = deviceBDAddress.Trim

End Sub

Public Sub startPrint()

Dim ret As Int32 = 0
Dim disp As [String] = ""

Dim sbBuf As New StringBuilder("")

Dim ssizeGet As UInt32 = 0
Dim rsizeGet As UInt32 = 0

Dim bBufGet As [Byte]() = New [Byte](4094) {}

If Bluetooth_Connect(stInfoSet, pin, pinlen) = False Then
End If

'printRegisterImage(bBuf, len, 0)
'printReceiptContents(bBuf, len)

' Footer Start

Commands.nFeedLine.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.nFeedLine.Length

Commands.bCut.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bCut.Length

' Footer End

' Load to printer

If SppSend(bufferToPrint, ssizeGet) = False Then _

' Load to printer End

' Print
Dim printflg As [Boolean] = False
While True
Dim recvFlg As [Boolean] = False
For i As Int32 = 0 To 9
' データ受信
bBufGet = New [Byte](0) {}
If SppRecv(bBufGet, rsizeGet) = False Then
Continue For
End If
recvFlg = True
Exit For
If recvFlg = False Then
Exit While
End If

If bBufGet(0) = ACK Then
bufferToPrint = New [Byte]() {ENQ}
If SppSend(bufferToPrint, ssizeGet) = False Then
End If
ElseIf bBufGet(0) = NAK Then
ElseIf bBufGet(0) = STX Then
bBufGet = New [Byte](4094) {}
If SppRecv(bBufGet, rsizeGet) = False Then
End If
If bBufGet(9) <> ETX Then
End If
If bBufGet(2) = &H47 OrElse bBufGet(2) = &H48 OrElse bBufGet(2) = &H53 OrElse bBufGet(2) = &H54 Then
' 印刷中なので少し待機
bufferToPrint = New [Byte]() {ENQ}
If SppSend(bufferToPrint, ssizeGet) = False Then
End If
Continue While
ElseIf (bBufGet(2) <> &H0) AndAlso (bBufGet(2) <> &H1) AndAlso (bBufGet(2) <> &H41) AndAlso (bBufGet(2) <> &H42) AndAlso (bBufGet(2) <> &H4E) AndAlso (bBufGet(2) <> &H4D) Then
Exit While
End If
' 印刷成功
printflg = True
Exit While
End If
End While
If printflg = True Then
disp = "印刷成功しました。"
MessageBox.Show(disp, "印刷完了")
End If
ret = Bluetooth.btBluetoothSPPDisconnect()
If ret <> LibDef.BT_OK Then
disp = "btBluetoothSPPDisconnect error ret[" & ret & "]"
MessageBox.Show(disp, "エラー")
End If
ret = Bluetooth.btBluetoothClose()
If ret <> LibDef.BT_OK Then
disp = "btBluetoothClose error ret[" & ret & "]"
MessageBox.Show(disp, "エラー")
End If

' Print End

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

' Bluetooth_Connect : Connect via bluetooth
' # sInfoSet : printer information structure
' # pin : pin (NEVER USED without pairing)
' # pinlen : length of pin (NEVER USED without pairing)
' * Return : sucess or not
Private Function Bluetooth_Connect(ByVal stInfoSet As LibDef.BT_BLUETOOTH_TARGET, _
ByVal pin As StringBuilder, _
ByVal pinlen As UInt32 _
) As [Boolean]

Dim ret As Int32 = 0
Dim disp As [String] = ""
Dim bRet As [Boolean] = False

ret = Bluetooth.btBluetoothOpen()
If ret <> LibDef.BT_OK Then
disp = "btBluetoothOpen error ret[" & ret & "]"
MessageBox.Show(disp, "エラー")
Return bRet
End If

ret = Bluetooth.btBluetoothSPPConnect(stInfoSet, 30000)
If ret <> LibDef.BT_OK Then
disp = "btBluetoothSPPConnect error ret[" & ret & "]"
MessageBox.Show(disp, "エラー")
Return bRet
End If

bRet = True
Return bRet
Catch ex As Exception
Return bRet
End Try
End Function

' SppSend : Send via bluetooth
' # bBuf : contents to print
' # ssize : size of contents
' * Return : sucess or not
Private Function SppSend(ByVal bBuf As [Byte](), ByRef ssize As UInt32) As [Boolean]
Dim bRet As [Boolean] = False
Dim ret As Int32 = 0
Dim disp As [String] = ""

Dim dsizeSet As UInt32 = 0
Dim ssizeGet As UInt32 = 0
Dim pBufSet As IntPtr

dsizeSet = CType(bBuf.Length, UInt32)
pBufSet = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(CType(dsizeSet, Int32))
Marshal.Copy(bBuf, 0, pBufSet, CType(dsizeSet, Int32))
ret = Bluetooth.btBluetoothSPPSend(pBufSet, dsizeSet, ssizeGet)
If ret <> LibDef.BT_OK Then
disp = "When printing, btBluetoothSPPSend error ret[" & ret & "]"
MessageBox.Show(disp, "エラー")
Return bRet
End If

ssize = ssizeGet
bRet = True
Return bRet
Catch ex As Exception
Return bRet
End Try
End Function

' SppRecv : Receive via bluetooth
' # bBuf : contents get
' # rsize : size of contents
' * Return : sucess or not
Private Function SppRecv(ByRef bBuf As [Byte](), ByRef rsize As UInt32) As [Boolean]
Dim bRet As [Boolean] = False
Dim ret As Int32 = 0

Dim dsizeSet As UInt32 = 0
Dim rsizeGet As UInt32 = 0
Dim pBufGet As IntPtr
Dim bBufGet As [Byte]() = New [Byte]() {}

Dim buflen As Int32 = bBuf.Length
bBufGet = New [Byte](buflen - 1) {}
pBufGet = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(Byte)) * bBufGet.Length)
dsizeSet = CType(buflen, UInt32)
ret = Bluetooth.btBluetoothSPPRecv(pBufGet, dsizeSet, rsizeGet)
Marshal.Copy(pBufGet, bBufGet, 0, CType(rsizeGet, Int32))
If ret <> LibDef.BT_OK Then
Return bRet
End If

bBuf = bBufGet
rsize = rsizeGet
bRet = True
Return bRet
Catch ex As Exception
Return bRet
End Try
End Function

' SplitString : Slice string by length
' # TheString : original string
' # StringLen : length of pieces of string
' * Return : array contains every slices
Private Function SplitString(ByVal TheString As String, ByVal StringLen As Integer) As String()
Dim ArrCount As Integer
Dim I As Long
Dim TempArray() As String
ReDim TempArray((Len(TheString) - 1) \ StringLen)
For I = 1 To Len(TheString) Step StringLen
TempArray(ArrCount) = Mid$(TheString, I, StringLen)
ArrCount = ArrCount + 1
SplitString = TempArray
End Function

' padLineTo8Bit : Pad string of '0's and '1's to eight characters
' # line : original string
' * Return : padded string
Private Function padLineTo8Bit(ByVal line As String) As String

Dim padding As Integer = 8 - (line.Length Mod 8)
Dim paddedline(line.Length + padding - 1) As Char
paddedline = line
For i As Integer = 0 To padding - 1
paddedline = paddedline + "0"
Return paddedline
End Function

' bufferRegisterImage : [register image process] to buffer
' # filename : image file name
' # number : number of register image
Public Sub bufferRegisterImage(ByRef filename As String, ByVal number As Int32)

Dim bBufWork As [Byte]() = New [Byte]() {}
Dim bmp As Bitmap = New Bitmap(filename)

Dim n1 As Byte = (bmp.Width + (8 - (bmp.Width Mod 8))) / 8
Dim n2 As Byte = bmp.Height

Select Case number
Case 0
Commands.startRegisterImage0.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.startRegisterImage0.Length
Case 1
Commands.startRegisterImage1.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.startRegisterImage0.Length
Case 2
Commands.startRegisterImage2.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.startRegisterImage0.Length
End Select

bBufWork = New Byte() {&H1B, &H62, n1, n2, &H0}
bBufWork.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + bBufWork.Length

For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height - 1
Dim line(bmp.Width - 1) As Char
For x As Integer = 0 To bmp.Width - 1
If bmp.GetPixel(x, y).R <> &H0 Then
line(x) = "0"
line(x) = "1"
End If

Dim every8bit() As String = SplitString(padLineTo8Bit(line), 8)

For Each eightBit In every8bit
bBufWork = New Byte() {Convert.ToInt32(eightBit, 2)}
bBufWork.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + bBufWork.Length

bBufWork = New Byte() {&H1B, &H4A, &H0}
bBufWork.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + bBufWork.Length

Commands.finishRegisterImage.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.finishRegisterImage.Length
End Sub

' bufferPrintRegisterImage : [print registered image process] to buffer
' # number : number of register image
Public Sub bufferPrintRegisterImage(ByVal number As Int32)
Select Case number
Case 0
Commands.printRegisterImage0.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.printRegisterImage0.Length
Case 1
Commands.printRegisterImage1.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.printRegisterImage1.Length
Case 2
Commands.printRegisterImage2.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.printRegisterImage2.Length
End Select
End Sub

'Public Sub printReceiptContents(ByRef bBuf() As Byte, ByRef len As Int32)
' setAlignLeft(bBuf, len)
' printString(bBuf, len, DateTime.Now.ToString, 0)
' printString(bBuf, len, "商品名     数量    金額", 2)

' Dim items() As Items = New Items() {New Items("0000", "宮崎牛 盛り合わせセット", 19999, 3), _
' New Items("1111", "生ビール キリン", 1990, 2), _
' New Items("2222", "生薬", 500, 7)}
' Dim totalCount As Integer = 0
' Dim totalPrice As Integer = 0
' For Each item In items
' setAlignLeft(bBuf, len)
' printString(bBuf, len, item.title, 0)
' setAlignRight(bBuf, len)
' printString(bBuf, len, item.count.ToString + " X " + item.price.ToString("#,0") + "  " + (item.count * item.price).ToString("C"), 0)

' totalCount += item.count
' totalPrice += item.count * item.price
' Next
' printString(bBuf, len, "                ", 2)
' setAlignRight(bBuf, len)
' setDoulbeStike(bBuf, len)
' printString(bBuf, len, "合計          " + totalPrice.ToString("C"), 0)
' setNonDoubleStrike(bBuf, len)
' printString(bBuf, len, "(内消費税 5%     " + Math.Round(totalPrice * 0.05).ToString("C") + ")", 0)
' printString(bBuf, len, "預かり金  " + 80000.ToString("C"), 0)
' printString(bBuf, len, "お釣り   " + (80000 - totalPrice).ToString("C"), 0)
'End Sub

' bufferSetAlignLeft : [align left process] to buffer
Public Sub bufferSetAlignLeft()
Commands.bAlignLeft.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bAlignLeft.Length
End Sub

' bufferSetAlignCenter : [align center process] to buffer
Public Sub bufferSetAlignCenter()
Commands.bAlignCenter.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bAlignCenter.Length
End Sub

' bufferSetAlignRight : [align right process] to buffer
Public Sub bufferSetAlignRight()
Commands.bAlignRight.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bAlignRight.Length
End Sub

' bufferSetSizeNormal : [nromal size process] to buffer
Public Sub bufferSetSizeNormal()
Commands.bSizeNor.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bSizeNor.Length
End Sub

' bufferSetSizeDouble : [double size process] to buffer
Public Sub bufferSetSizeDouble()
Commands.bSizeDbl.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bSizeDbl.Length
End Sub

' bufferSetSizeTriple : [triple size process] to buffer
Public Sub bufferSetSizeTriple()
Commands.bSizeTri.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bSizeTri.Length
End Sub

' bufferSetDoulbeStike : [double strike size process] to buffer
Public Sub bufferSetDoulbeStike()
Commands.bDoulbeStrik.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bDoulbeStrik.Length
End Sub

' bufferSetNonDoubleStrike : [release double strike process] to buffer
Public Sub bufferSetNonDoubleStrike()
Commands.bNonDoulbeStrik.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bNonDoulbeStrik.Length
End Sub

' bufferPrintString : [print string process] to buffer
' # contents : string to print
' # underline : underline size [0,1,2]
Public Sub bufferPrintString(ByVal contents As String, ByVal underline As Integer)

Dim bBufWork As [Byte]() = New [Byte]() {}
Dim bLF As [Byte]() = New [Byte](0) {LF}
Dim bCR As [Byte]() = New [Byte](0) {CR}

Select Case underline
Case 0
Commands.bUnderline0.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bUnderline0.Length
Case currentLength
Commands.bUnderline1.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bUnderline1.Length
Case 2
Commands.bUnderline2.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bUnderline2.Length
End Select

' Japanese setting
Commands.bJp.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.bJp.Length

' Contents to Shift-JIS
bBufWork = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes(contents)
bBufWork.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + bBufWork.Length

' Carry Return
bCR.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + bCR.Length
bLF.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + bLF.Length

End Sub

' bufferPrintJAN13_00Ending : [print JAN13 process] to buffer
' # jan : JAN13 string
Public Sub bufferPrintJAN13_00Ending(ByVal jan As String)

Dim bBufWork As [Byte]() = New [Byte]() {}

Commands.hriBelow.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.hriBelow.Length

Commands.printJAN13.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.printJAN13.Length

bBufWork = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetBytes(jan)
bBufWork.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + bBufWork.Length

Commands.nullEnding.CopyTo(bufferToPrint, currentLength)
currentLength = currentLength + Commands.nullEnding.Length
End Sub

End Class
End Namespace

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